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Thread: Fighting the invisible enemy: Shadowboxing

  1. #1
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    Nov 2013

    Fighting the invisible enemy: Shadowboxing

    So with the COVID-19 quarantine, there's not a lot I can do to train unarmed combatives.

    Or is there?

    I was wondering if we could compile a list of resources to train BJJ/Kickboxing/MMA style drills at home so those of us who can't get to the gym can at least put in some work.

    Bag work is something I can't do, currently living in an apartment.

    Any recommendations from our skilled boxers?

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  2. #2
    Site Supporter Totem Polar's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    I’m just doing some basics. Wall jabs, some combinations. Hip escapes, and some default cover reps. Also wall squats with kettlebells, Turkish get ups, swings; push and pull ups. Honestly, rotating through that stuff is all I’ve time or energy for.
    The most powerful and harmful influence Trump has had on our politics…has been the effect on his opponents. They have been triggered into an orgy of self-mutilation—eager to amputate their own history and disfigure their own political traditions.

  3. #3
    Two weeks ago I've learned about high-intensity training (HIT). It's not new but quite new to me.

    The fundamental principles of high-intensity training (HIT) are that exercise should be brief, infrequent, and intense. Exercises are performed with a high level of effort, or intensity, where it is thought that it will stimulate the body to produce an increase in muscular strength and size.
    For example, every second day I try to improve my personal push-up record by one. Very little effort but it is working very well so far. Do it like you fight for your life (OK, that's a bit exaggerated). But do it only once every second day. And focus on proper technique. Also stretching can be done at home (some of my favorite stretches). HIT can be applied to wall sits and planks, too.

    My personal records so far: Push-ups: 32; wall sits: 125 s; planks: 120 s. Still not so much but the numbers are increasing very fast for the little time effort.

    Quote Originally Posted by 45dotACP View Post
    So with the COVID-19 quarantine
    I did not realize this enough before I've posted my response: I really would not train hard, for example HIT, if I have a cold or even fever. But relaxed stretching should be good to go.

    2nd amendment : At home I train punches with the knuckles of my fist exactly to small targets (critical points in self-defense). On a piece of paper hanging by a thread (which is fixed somewhere on the ceiling or a lamp), then I really hit the target. Or on a wall or door frame, then I stop just before the target or hit only with low speed. The paper target is better. I know that Bruce Lee trained jabs and finger stitches to small targets on a piece of paper. Can be done with the elbows and kicks, too. Then precision and speed are paramount, power not so much.
    Last edited by P30; 03-18-2020 at 06:21 PM.

  4. #4
    Free vids

    More on r/bjj

    Resources for training at home

    This is a collection of resources that have been offered by others in the BJJ community at large. If you know of any more, please post below and I'll update the list. Special thanks to /u/kyuz who had the idea to create a thread containing just these links!

    Training outside of the gym megathread.

    Free Bernardo Faria instructional with code "FARIAFREE". Works on WrestlingFanatics and JudoFanatics as well.

    Free Digitsu instuctionals

    Free Danaher Solo Drills instructional

    Free Stephan Kesting instructional. E-mail with choice

    Free two weeks of Caio Terra online

    Free (at least) 30 days of Renzo Gracie online

    Free week at Lucas Lepri online

    Free Triangle course from our very own brandon_mc. Code 'BMACFREE'.

    Free lifting plan from

    Free "Combat Codes vol 1" audiobook and eBook

    Kettlebell solo training routines
    Last edited by Cheap Shot; 03-18-2020 at 05:56 PM.

  5. #5
    Home BJJ training: Most important stretches (Lachlan Giles)

  6. #6
    Site Supporter
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    Sep 2016
    N/W Michigan

    Shadow boxing

    Do your usual series of floor exercises - jumping jacks, lateral twists with broomstick length dowel behind neck, skip rope 3- 3 minute rounds, 100 crunches. Then shadow box in front of mirror using proper foot work & punching techniques start with 3 - 3 minute rounds resting a minute between each round (you can incorporate correct kicking & kneeing techniques if so desired). If living in an apartment consider purchasing a self standing spring bag from Ringside or Title. If you have your own home hang a heavy bag suspended from chain & spring (very important to utilize spring. Makes hvy bag much more lively & reduces strain on joists). A 70 - 80 pound bag is best - you want it to move. Set up a double end bag (floor to ceiling) & with these 2 pieces of equipment, the floor exercises, & the will to start with 3 rounds and correctly work up to 7 to 10 rounds on each & you will be well prepared and fit. Go for a run, bike ride or long walk on days you don’t hit the bags. You can make your own hvy bag using an army duffle bag filled with cut up compressed rags packed down with a sledge hammer as if you were churning butter for next to nothing.

  7. #7
    Member That Guy's Avatar
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    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Dempsey View Post
    You can make your own hvy bag using an army duffle bag filled with cut up compressed rags packed down with a sledge hammer as if you were churning butter for next to nothing.
    Thank you for the tip! I do own a sledgehammer, but I don't own a heavy bag.

  8. #8
    I got Bernardo Faria's pressure passing encyclopedia with the FARIAFREE code.

    The boys at the morning class are going to HATE me when we get back to the gym. I just gotta eat like a fatass and neglect my cardio to make the pressure passing that much more effective.

  9. #9
    There are three things I try to focus on when shadowboxing:
    1. Shadowboxing with a "purpose". I will split rounds to just footwork, incorporating defenses / head movement, just boxing, kickboxing, working angles, working specific combos, etc.… sure, sometimes I just work "complete" shadowboxing for rounds but I do like to mix it up and focus on specifics as well.
    2. I always imagine that I have an opponent and am focusing on engaging that opponent, thinking about how I get them to react the way I want them to, anticipating their reactions, etc.
    3. Looking good! I recently trained with an awesome super old school Thai guy who really pushed "sexy Muay Thai". You should be looking sexy / feeling sexy / being sexy at all times. Don't be sloppy, don't be stiff, don't be off-balance – Always Be Cool!

    Not saying I have the answers, just my two cents!

  10. #10
    Also – one could spend hours here, absolutely fantastic drills, conceptual breakdowns… really an amazing resource:

    I primarily focus on the Muay Thai programming but as you can see they have a playlist for virtually every type of unarmed (and some armed) martial art.

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